Science Selfie Competition 2016

To see last year's Science Selfie Competition entries, please click here.

Newfold's 'Science Selfie Competition' has closed! Thank you to all who entered. Take a look at the fantastic entries and feel free to leave a comment if you wish at the bottom of the page.....

Isobelle YR 
Looking at the effects of exercise on the body.

 Alfie Y4M 
Making slime.

 Billy-Joe Hewson Y4M 
Gravity Science Adventure at Haigh Hall high ropes and velocity clip and climb.

Eloise Y3H

Lucy Y4H 
Experimenting with skittles.

Ennea Y3H 
Measuring the noise level of a 3 year old.

Neve Y6P 
Making cakes for McMillan coffee morning.

Charlie YRF 
Making a lego car at Lego Land Discovery Centre and testing it on two different surfaces!
Charlie also made a lava lamp at home.

Declan Y4H 
Building his first electronic circuit board.

Paige Y5B 
Experimenting with pens in water and why they cannot puncture the plastic bag.

Amenda Y5B 

'The water with green food dye represents germs and the bananas represent people; one has no skin.  the next day the banana with no skin got all slimy (it almost looked like a pickle) leaving the banana with skin fine and the insides unharmed!'

Mr Pitts and pupils from Y6P 
Enjoying 'Food Forensics' at Shevington High School.

Oscar Y3H
'I collected petals, leaves and found the wing off a fly.  We put them on the slides.  I could see lots of lines in the leaves and petals.  The wings on the fly had patterns.  When I looked at the bugs I used my magnifying glass, they looked really hairy on the legs!'

Georgia Y3H 
Studying rocks whilst out for a walk.

Lauren Y6M 
Experimenting with shadows.

Scarlett (Nursery)
Scarlett went out to count the baby seals at the Farne Islands.

Eloise (Nursery)
Eloise talked about what happens when hot water is added to the solid jelly cubes and how a liquid is formed.

Ruby Y6P and Ava Y4M

Tizzie built a skeleton and named him Simon.

Jamie-Lee Y2W
My multiplying gelatinous monster!

'We used different solutions like dye, sodium alginate and calcium chloride to create different reactions.'

Zach Y4H
Making balloons blow up on their own with vinegar mixed with baking soda.

Harriet Y6P
Gravity free water.

Jack Y6P
I made a lava lamp, rock candy and watched water coming through the lock in the canal.  The water is used to raise the barge up and lower it down depending on which way it is travelling along the canal.

Freddie (Nursery)
Why do leaves change colour?
Freddie enjoyed collecting different coloured leaves whilst out walking.

Amelia (Nursery)
Learning about the life cycle of a pumpkin plant and making a pumpkin volcano!

Summer and Rubie Y6P making a rainbow.
'When white light from the sun shines a raindrop it refracts one colour in that light and brings it down to Earth.  The refraction also bends the light into an arch and that's how it's curved. A rainbow is really a full circle we just can't see it because of the horizon.'

Sadie Y4M
Sadie built a cradle and parachute then dropped the egg from a variety of heights, including the attic window.  The egg is still intact despite several drops.

Millie Y2W - making an aquarium.
Millie experimented with the different objects she was using, guessing what would sink and float.  She then added oil to the water to investigate a oil spill.

Daniel - Reception Class
Daniel went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester where he made a pin hole camera.

Noah Y4M
I made a model of a human brain from Plaster of Paris, and then coloured in different sections of the brain which are responsible for balance, vision and creativity.

Louis - Home made lava lamp

Oliver Y2W
Demonstrating static electricity

Nathanael - Nursery
Nathanael made his own bubble mixture then tested it out to create the biggest bubble

Josh Smith Y5B

Physics and Chemistry in one Big Bang!

Bella Y5B

Bella loved learning about Bunsen burners

Matthew Y5B
I used cornflour and water to make a solid and a liquid!  If you punch it, it becomes a solid but if you pick it up and let it run through your fingers it becomes a liquid.

Amy Y4M
I experimented to see the reaction when vinegar (an acid) was added to baking powder. Carbon dioxide was produced which extinguished the candle which needed oxygen to burn.

Sadie Y4H

Reeve Y4H
Investigating what happens to the shell of eggs when left in vinegar

Joshua Y1W
Bubble investigation

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Amazing selfies everybody, fantastic! I am very impressed with all the creative science happening outside of school.
    Mrs Henthorn
